
Super Buddy Kick 2

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Super Buddy Kick 2 starts a new installment of the Buddy-related series when your character will appear in a new pose, hanging while waiting for your attack.

Super Buddy Kick 2 Instructions

The character Buddy will have 4 main parts including head, body, arms, and legs. Each of your attacks can affect these parts in different ways. Basically, you can use 3 main methods: punching, using weapons, and throwing weapons.

To make punches, you just need to use your mouse to click on the character. The damage will immediately appear and affect Buddy. If you want to use a weapon, you just need to touch the weapon you want to use it. Finally, it is possible to throw weapons when you are bored with it. Each throw can also damage your character.

Other Factors In The Game

Besides the Buddy attack methods, you also need to pay attention to some other factors when participating in this Super Buddy Kick 2 game. First, the number of kills will be calculated based on the number of Buddy you kill. To kill a Buddy, you should pay attention to the health bar on its head. This health bar will decrease based on the damage you attack this character. Coins will also be provided to you to unlock new weapons.